Looking for contracts

We offer a rigorous process of selection to guarantee the best candidates for your personal necessity. We would start with an initial conversation to understand your requisites and, if necessary, program an appointment to adapt our search. We prefer face to face meetings to establish concrete relationships and to discuss details like rates and necessity’s. We are available by telephone or video chat if it is necessary. Once there is a candidate that matches, we will contact them for a contract. Please give your name, the name of your business, E-Mail, telephone and a brief description of your work.

How it Works

We have a detailed onboarding process, allowing our hiring agency to filter through candidates and identify strong candidates that match your staffing needs.

Initial Conversation:

Our first order of business is finding out what your needs are, how quickly you need the vacancy filled, the skills needed, and the qualifications or licenses required.

Detailed Planning:

We will use the information gathered to determine whether we need to conduct an on-site visit to better understand your needs and provide a more tailored approach to your staffing needs.

In-person Meeting:

We prefer face-to-face meetings with our clients to discuss rates and other pertinent details. If an in-person meeting is not possible, we will discuss the details over the phone.

Quality Candidate Selection:

We are invested in the success of our clients, so candidate selection is critical. Our job agency interviews promising candidates and selects top candidates to forward to for final interviews.

Meet Your Match:

When a match is made, the human resources department takes over and works on the contract, after which the commercial team will proceed to finalize the hiring.